Just Quarters
Kitchen ,dining, bathroom, laundry
Living /Bedroom
Garden tools
Furniture: Wood and Plastic
Furniture 3 D printed
Shop accessories
Building and Decorating
People and animals
LED lighting and light kits
Roof tiles and stencils
Items for your shop,cafe or pub
I have a lovely shop kit under buildings
Counter stools
Metal stools $3
Coke fridge
Coke fridge made from resin $6
Coke crate and bottles
Metal crate with lots of wee bottles $7
Counter scales
Ideal for a shop 3/8"wide 3/8:high Made from metal. Easy to paint $3
Hanging scales
Hanging scale kit $6
Paper roller
Perfect to wrap those parcels $4
Shop steps
Wee step 1/4"high 1/4" wide
Metal barrel
Metal barrel $5
Rubbish bin small
Wee trash bin $4
Soda fountain
Idea for pub or cafe 5/8 long metal $1
Has nice details on the door.Made from Resin $6
Candy jar or container
Made from resin $3
Produce sacks
White metal sacks. Come unpainted $
Veggie boxes
Vegetable boxes .Unpainted in a variety of styles $4
Sack plastic
tiny sack $3